Aleksandar Jovanovic Krankheit -Aleksandar Jovanovic received his studies in acting and dance at the Stage School Hamburg, where he graduated in 1997. Additional training in New York, Toronto, and Berlin. In 1998, Fatih Akin’s feature drama Short and Painless introduced him to a wider audience. Since then, he has acted in a number of German films and television shows, including the character of crooked manager Viktor Drakic in the ARD crime series Commissario Laurenti and one of the principal roles in the 2007 version of Treasure Island.
Jovanovic had a supporting role in Eran Creevy’s 2016 action film Collide, and he also appeared in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who’s Christmas special The Return of Doctor Mysterio the same year. In the ARD television series Die Heiland – Wir sind Anwalt, he has played prosecutor Rudi Ilic opposite Christina Athenstädt since 2020.
He’s also a musical performer, having appeared in the Bochum roller skate musical Starlight Express, Grease, and the Rocky Horror Show, among others. He also works as a director of short films. Jovanovic is married to Clelia Sarto, an actress with whom he has a daughter. Clelia Sarto and Aleksandar Jovanovic, both Berlin actors, have been married for 18 years. They simply appeared in front of the camera like a pair for the ZDF new series “Love. Now!” Due to Corona, a film shoot with stringent sanitary regulations. Because the actors were required to live together.
SONNTAG am BILD: How did it feel to argue in front of the camera?”As a marriage, we’ve already gone through many periods,” Aleksandar Jovanovic says. It would be foolishness to claim that everything is perfect here all of the time. Marriage isn’t the same as a Rama courtship. Of course, we, like every other relationship, go through periods of disagreement.” What is the key to your marriage’s success? “Leave yourself alone!” says Jovanovic. Also, make sure you allow enough room. For the past 15 years, we’ve had separate bedrooms. That’s fantastic.”
Why? “Because we have distinct sleep cycles,” Clelia Sarto explains. We are, in fact, two turtles. Each of us requires time to be alone. We’re both incredibly adept at being alone. It is also critical to give the other individual this time. Then we’ll be able to meet for the first time each time. “Actually, we don’t see each other till noon,” Jovanovic says. Because everyone has something to do till noon, such as yoga, running, meditating, or reading. We won’t see each other till the afternoon. Since our 14-year-old daughter Luna can stay home alone, we’ve been going out again.” “Then we met at a Berlinale reception,” Sarto says.
“I found you pretty attractive, but also absolutely…” Jovanovic says. “… arrogant!” says Sarto. However, I found him arrogant. We instantly got into a heated debate over movies. Following that, his companion inquired, “And what do you think about Sarto?” ‘Arrogant!’ he exclaimed. But I’m going to marry her!” You studied acting and dance at Hamburg’s Stage School, Mr. Jovanovic. Is it possible that we haven’t danced enough today.
Aleksandar Jovanovic: I believe that while many people have discovered dance for themselves, there are still many more who are missing out and would excel at it. My kid, who dances hip hop and ballet and always comes home joyful, exemplifies this. My wife is a fantastic tango dancer, so I’m constantly surrounded by it. Life is similar to an Instagram algorithm in that you are surrounded by what you are interested in, and there are a lot of people dancing in my environment.
Isn’t it possible that an algorithm like this, which only shows us what we’re dealing with anyhow, could be dangerous? Aleksandar Jovanovic Aleksandar Jovanovic: The biggest algorithm we have, I believe, is in our heads. The world around us takes shape as our ideas do. The world is a carbon replica of our minds. On the one hand, this could be a threat, but on the other side, it could be an opportunity to create your own wonderful universe. I’m not sure if knowing everything bad that happens in the world helps. But I don’t think it’s positive to always look for the positive. Everyone must determine which algorithm best meets their needs.
“Life is a little like an Instagram algorithm; you’re surrounded by what you’re interested in, and there’s a lot of dancing in my environment.” You play a dancing teacher in the Vox series “The Most Important Things in Life.” Would a career as a dance teacher have appealed to you in the real world? Aleksandar Jovanovic Aleksandar Jovanovic: Between the ages of 16 and 25, I danced nearly exclusively and then tried to unpack and apply my previous dance skills to the part. However, as an actor, I must continue to use movement and art in my work.
Life is movement. And I don’t think it makes a difference if I do yoga or dance to express myself. Knowing and being able to deal with my body is a vital part of my job. The broadcaster VOX takes a risk with “The most essential thing in life,” producing a series without an international blueprint for the first time. Can German television, in your perspective, compete on an international level.
Aleksandar Jovanovic: Without a doubt, it is no longer the question. Series like “4 Blocks” and “Dark” demonstrate this. We don’t need to hide any longer; we are a talented country. Hollywood and the United States are increasingly comparing themselves to us. (laughter) We typically only see the American pearls in Germany, but they undoubtedly generate hundreds of times what is played here, and there is certainly a lot of garbage among them. I don’t think the Hollywood hype and myth surrounding it is as powerful as it once was.
“Knowing and dealing with my body is a key component of my work.” What are your thoughts on the current discussion between public and private broadcasters? Aleksandar Jovanovic (Aleksandar Jovanovic): I don’t see what’s wrong with both of them pursuing their interests. After all, diversity is what distinguishes an open and democratic democracy, and the entertainment sector is no exception. The dispute between public and private broadcasters, in my opinion, is no longer relevant, as the realisation of Internet television and the development of media libraries and streaming services are.
This is a trend that we will be unable to reverse. Regardless, I am confident that streaming services will not be able to replace traditional television or cinema. Everything will level out again, and both options will be available. This trend is already visible in e-books. The book industry has seen a huge surge in printed books with the introduction of e-books.
You’re frequently cast as a mysterious villain in your films. Would you prefer to display a different aspect of yourself as well, or are you content with your current niche? Both, according to Aleksandar Jovanovic. On the one hand, there’s this niche, and it’s a fantastic feeling when you immediately come to mind when someone mentions a specific individual.
On the other hand, I’m glad that there have been more and more offers recently that are a little outside of this area, such as the dance teacher in “The most essential thing in life” or the hacker in “You are want.” But I can’t get out of my body; my face is mine, and I play the game the way I do.
“However, I can’t get out of my body; my face is mine, and I play as I do.” You’ve also appeared in musicals like “Starlightexpress” and “Greace” before your TV and movie roles. Musical productions are referenced only sporadically in the feuilleton. Wrongly? Aleksandar Jovanovic Aleksandar Jovanovic: I feel that people are often fooled by simple organised narrative, such as those seen in musicals, and mistakenly conclude that they lack substance. However, the reality is that they are amazing plays with fantastic plots, and anyone who performs in a musical will face stiff competition just to acquire a job.
erstmals eine Serie ohne internationale Vorlage zu produzieren. Kann das deutsche Fernsehen aus Ihrer Sicht international mithalten?Aleksandar Jovanovic: Das ist ohne Zweifel keine Frage mehr. Serien wie „4 Blocks“ und „Dark“ zeigen dies. Wir brauchen uns nicht länger zu verstecken; Wir sind ein talentiertes Land. Hollywood und die USA vergleichen sich zunehmend mit uns. Gelächter Wir sehen die amerikanischen Perlen normalerweise nur in Deutschland, aber sie erzeugen zweifellos das Hundertfache dessen, was hier gespielt wird, und es ist sicherlich eine Menge Müll darunter. Ich glaube nicht, dass der Hollywood-Hype und der Mythos, der ihn umgibt, so stark ist wie früher.
„Die Kenntnis und Auseinandersetzung mit meinem Körper ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil meiner Arbeit.“ Was halten Sie von der aktuellen Diskussion zwischen öffentlich-rechtlichen und privaten Sendern? Aleksandar Jovanovic Aleksandar Jovanovic: Ich sehe nicht, was daran falsch ist, wenn beide ihre Interessen verfolgen. Schließlich zeichnet Vielfalt eine offene und demokratische Demokratie aus, und der Unterhaltungssektor bildet da keine Ausnahme. Der Streit zwischen öffentlich-rechtlichen und privaten Sendern ist meines Erachtens nicht mehr relevant, die Realisierung von Internetfernsehen und die Entwicklung von Mediatheken und Streamingdiensten hingegen schon.
Das ist ein Trend, den wir nicht umkehren können. Unabhängig davon bin ich zuversichtlich, dass Streaming-Dienste das traditionelle Fernsehen oder Kino nicht ersetzen können. Alles wird sich wieder nivellieren und beide Optionen werden verfügbar sein. Dieser Trend ist bereits bei E-Books sichtbar. Die Buchbranche hat mit der Einführung von E-Books einen enormen Anstieg an gedruckten Büchern erlebt.
In Ihren Filmen werden Sie häufig als mysteriöser Bösewicht gecastet. Möchtest du dich auch lieber von einer anderen Seite zeigen oder begnügst du dich mit deiner jetzigen Nische? Beides, so Aleksandar Jovanovic. Auf der einen Seite gibt es diese Nische, und es ist ein tolles Gefühl, wenn einem sofort einfällt, wenn jemand eine bestimmte Person erwähnt.
Andererseits bin ich froh, dass es in letzter Zeit immer mehr Angebote gibt, die etwas außerhalb dieses Bereichs liegen, wie etwa der Tanzlehrer in „Das Wichtigste im Leben“ oder der Hacker in „Du bist gewollt. ” Aber ich kann meinen Körper nicht verlassen; Mein Gesicht gehört mir, und ich spiele das Spiel so, wie ich es tue.
“Aber ich kann meinen Körper nicht verlassen; mein Gesicht gehört mir und ich spiele so, wie ich es tue.” Vor Ihren Fernseh- und Filmrollen sind Sie auch in Musicals wie „Starlightexpress“ und „Greace“ aufgetreten. Musikproduktionen werden im Feuilleton nur sporadisch erwähnt. Zu Unrecht? Aleksandar Jovanovic Aleksandar Jovanovic: Ich habe das Gefühl, dass Menschen oft von einfachen organisierten Erzählungen, wie sie in Musicals zu sehen sind, getäuscht werden und fälschlicherweise zu dem Schluss kommen, dass es ihnen an Substanz fehlt. Die Realität ist jedoch, dass es sich um erstaunliche Stücke mit fantastischen Handlungen handelt, und jeder, der in einem Musical auftritt, muss sich einem harten Wettbewerb stellen, nur um einen Job zu bekommen.